After all these years of doing this, I doubt it.
You cannot resign from these groups.
Ask peloshi the drunken ex-communicated pedo.
What I've learned about Trump and these supposed white hats is that they find ways to put under the spotlight, just those things and people they want us to look further into. And to NOT take anything at face value.
Another example is this: DJT put the Johnson&Johnson couple on stage with him in PA. Why? Was this another ironic, stupid endorsement of the jabs? Of course not.
We learned yesterday that the J&J and AZ jabs specifically make a person more vulnerable to the monkeypox. That's the lesson there. But only a true autist even thinks to look that deep.
Has musk flipped? I doubt it. He's had considerable deals with the chinese for years doing space-based surveillance.
He also has a neat little giga factory in NV that gets lots of trucks coming and going from Mexico, the guards at the facility don't even know what's in them.
He ain't clean. No one resigns from anything that can eventually be tied in with RICO statutes either.