Early Voting wins the 2022 Preakness Stakes
Early Voting wins the 2022 Preakness Stakes
The Preakness is won by EARLY VOTING-
Early Voting wins the #PreaknessStakes narrowly over Epicenter, Creative Minister finishes 3rd and Secret Oath finishes 4th
The names they pick…Kinda funny tho that people looking up early voting get horses
Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick is pushing for undated mail-in ballots to be counted in his neck-and-neck Republican primary against Mehmet Oz following a court ruling on a different election.
If it worked for the left…They are all scum the lot of them
Law Enforcement Raids Arizona Nonprofits In '2000 Mules' Ballot Trafficking Investigation - "Like Tweety Birds, They Sang"
I mean…Think about it.
An organism has one main goal, to reproduce. If a percentage of the organisms start to "fail to reproduce" Nature will cull the problem
Humans are organisms too. Nature is not fucking around.