There was a time when these clowns would never speak like this in public. Their plans were hidden and protected. Not anymore. In your face.
"in which nation states and democratic control are subordinate."
The COVID-19 crisis offers opportunities for global economic reform, Klaus Schwab, director of the World Economic Forum. Professor Bob de Wit at Nyenrode Business University warns that this 'Great Reset' primarily serves the interests of digital technology, financial and pharmaceutical companies in a world order in which nation states and democratic control are subordinate.
According to Schwab, a “ new economic and political order ” is necessary to make the Great Reset possible ; a new social order. [3] The existing emphasis on nation-states in making economic and political decisions – whether or not in supranational contexts – must be replaced by global governance , also known as a world government or 'New World Order'.
Schwab is the Hyman Roth of the "Great Reset". Thinks he's going to live forever.