>maxi pad
>that is one of the best nick names for lack of a better term
I have moments of brilliance in the midst of large cups of covfefe and huge glasses of wine! cheers
>maxi pad
>that is one of the best nick names for lack of a better term
I have moments of brilliance in the midst of large cups of covfefe and huge glasses of wine! cheers
>Who is after of Iran -> Pakistan -> ???
I really hope it's Venezuela next!
I'm throwing a party the day this evil bastard is arrested!
lmao We've gotta use the Left's words against them! ยฏ_(ใ)_/ยฏ Learn to play the game!
All you fuckers falling for WDSHN "is a war hero!" lmao Suckers!!!!!
I hope Rahm Emanuel hangs!
So much winning!
We're not tired yet, POTUS!!
>washingtonpost literally giving known CIA operatives a platform for propaganda
Considering the CIA gave Bezos a $650,000,000 contract a year it's not surprising!