For the record, I am a Q following, plan trusting, anon, so don’t even TRY to attack me or my motives. I believe Q is a Trump insider and was activated to tell the public the truth about what POTUS had to do to stop this coup d’etat and drain the swamp. I believe SpyGate was ordered by Hussein, I believe the Democrats are involved in child sex slavery/sacrifices. I believe 2020 was stolen. And I think POTUS and team decided to SHOW the people the truth. I’ve read every single Q drop. All that being said, I FIRMLY disagree with the Q clock, and the response I get from clockfags whenever I question them only reaffirms my belief that it’s wonky at best. Put simply, over a long enough timeline and with enough headlines, anyone can draw a connection to anything. And far too often I see that happening here. It’s embarrassing for the movement and I just don’t fucking like it. STOP.