There will always be a quantum state of informational data available for vectors, patterns, and fractals, and they will get even more efficient as time goes on, and data wont be suppressed regardless of the model you use because there will be a wide volume of information to compare models too so there will be little variables of discrepancy's between certain details.
One thing remains, there is only one universe, one truth, and everybody shares it, which is why it's important to listen to one another. At the end of the day the experience is left with the individual like a finger print. Humanity is only 2 generations away from extinction. The parent, grand parents, and great grand parents are the only forms of reference that we have in this experience to recognize and know some sort of stable reference of connection to the reality we all share or are a part of. Once that's gone, you will be gone.
The enemy's of the United States know these details which is why they are set up for generations to hundreds of years plotting our cultural and domestic demise. It starts with you, your family, your kids, your friends, and the strangers you meet. Holding the line is bigger than winning a small battle it is about the fight of our lifetime. Like POTUS says, "they are not after me but they are after you".
We have to appreciate what we have, and the days we are given.
sorry this is taking me so long.