after Steve Irwin died, it pretty much went full faggot
Yeah does suck.. C'mon aussies, put your people in their place.. take them.. remove them.. and then put your people where they were..
Fair go, mates. Fair suck of the sauce bottle… she'll be right.
I told it on here not long ago, but will tell it again..
Mother-in-law remarried school administrative govt employee.. Nice guy, takes care of her
Annoyingly avoids politics, super liberal, CNN 24/7 for home atmosphere, smart, educated, bluepilledAF..
One of few older male role models for my kids (thank God my dad is still with us, thank you God) annoys the hell out of me, comp'd influence.. anti-trump.. white guilt.. silent on most things and has some little warm & fuzzy exit to everything that implies i'm a "hot head" for expressing any concern or reasoning contrary to the blue-pilled social shitshow of our time..
the other day sits down next to me, starts asking me about "charles schwabbles".. I'm like holy shit "go on…." and he puts forth this plea for attention to what these assholes are doing.. his explanation is half baked, and I feel for the pain he's likely going to experience as he continues to awaken, but I'm blown away.. I say "how do you feel about this?"… he says, and keep in mind, this guys respectable, productive, innocent, everything but redpilled… he says "I feel I've been duped… I feel we've all been duped.."
It's habbeing brother.. hold the line.
Their ties point to the football helmet in the mirror, not the corner of the doorway