nah we call that one… BillyGate
you seem to have an obsession with dickheads… did you not get enough breast feeding as a baby or something?
good, bad or double agent?
>Movies like Outbreak nailed it when they imagined a global disease-fighting team who
wear actual PPE for viruses, (lvl 4 biohazard suits), instead of stupid masks?
come from the Caucasus Mountains
system in Eurasia, it's a mislabeling of white people.
Whites are far more diverse than that.
>Kings are descended from divinity
Kings ~~are~~ WERE descended from divinity, you know before the crowns were usurped by inbred thugs.
>What was the "divine" entity that bred them
the same one that created everything.
anyway, I don't actually believe that king being given divine authority shite.
Men became Kings through brute force, nothing more, nothing less.