By the time we've get control of this completely corrupt government it will be just getting started "Where is Duham" Listen to what Trump says, too little is too late.. Looks good but this will take a 100 years. What will our so called Republicans do? The Federal government will take over elections. I am not seeing a future for us where Justice happens. Has Trump said he running in 2024 or is he watching and waiting for when self preservation for him and his family , like the fucking rest of us need to prepare for. This corrupt government is about protecting it self by any means and will kill us even as the world watches. I won't see the end of any of this, God does win. All I hope for, pray for is a better world for my family.
This is why, it's this. You. I have an opinion and you'll do whatever it takes to deny me have free speech and this is why this place it a corel for the awakened sheep. Where is Q? Why should he post here when a large part of the drops are unsolved on a so called QR board.
I don't agree, you're easy to catch though.
What happens when people post bullshit as solved Q crumbs and spreads it all over Twitter then anons completely miss important crumbs that needed to be spread. Q said They're all here, but all anons could do when Q posted were to respond like a bunch of sycophants and do nothing, oh sure there are pure genius who did most of thecwork, all gone now.
What happens when people post bullshit as solved Q crumbs and spreads it all over Twitter then anons completely miss important crumbs that needed to be spread. Q said They're all here, but all anons could do when Q posted were to respond like a bunch of sycophants and do nothing, oh sure there are pure genius who did most of thework, all gone now.
WE are in the way.
Are we seeing more UFOs? I Guess the future isn't fixed.
Batman movie when Excutive tries to blackmail the company for the secret weapons projects. Hmmm?
I believe that had more to do with casinos and mafia involvement. In my opinion.
So you believe that when you die that is it?
I am going blind>>16328985
My son died in Oct, he died because of the open borders, he was a musical , a heroine attack who died homeless, a couch surfer. Two day before he died I spoke tp him, wished him a happy birthday. he was 38 yeas old. I am dyeing, hope to see him on the other side.
All I can say is be careful what you say, I told him ' dont wait until your forty and realize hw much of your life has gone by. I played music with him, he had so much much, both his parents musician, he was genuis.. a lost soul,