what difference does a nigger in the kitchen make, if the board is run by niggers?
monkey laundering
This is typical, GYB.
"gotta go!"
It was fine to put all sorts of garbage up there when you weren't running the show huh?
fuck you.
this is what it looks like when someone tries to slide the board and it fails because there is not enough paarticipation to hide it.
this is what it looks like when the sliders see this post >>16328734
no digs. it's shit.
that's because you're blind, curator.
you know why you're a nigger?
I never told you didn't include digs.
I said there were none, AND your notes are shit.
>BO, BV, OSS, Gimpy, Gary, Hot Wheels
kek.. this would instadelete most of the mod team and the bo
mostly because their parents were still bought into the go find a 40hr job mindset,
So they had to figure it out on their own
You're a Trump section.
The bo's garbage translation: We think so little of President Trump, that he shouldn't be discussed in this stream. Even though this stream is dogshit slow already.
Fucking disgrace this bo is.