And then watch it quickly have moar activity than QR?
Are you crazy?
>a tad crazy i suppose?
You don't end up here unless you have at least a tad so you have plenty (well, used to) of company.
The current Board Admins sure do love them some Rusty tho.
He's a bonafide Comms/QRB legend.
Created by 8bit back in '19 in response to the anon outcry over FJ's changes.
Subsequently abandoned by 8bit and BO role given to GYB-Flint by Jim sometime in '20 iirc.
TO9239 via QAgg is kinda dasting.
>Barely past the halfway point and almost at the 2 hour mark
Evening Shift, are you bailing out of here now, too, at this point?
Well, at least they're putting on a roastie tit show in doing so.
So, it's not all bad, Anon.
Flint, before you turn out the lights here you might want to shut this bot down.
It's lost all contact with the board reality.
>they just make up whatever the fuck they want about this place and print it with zero sauce
Even 4ch got hacker pub/cred from CNN.
QR can't even get something like that out of them.
Who do you think is the audience for you goofy ramblings?
The board is emptying out faster than you can say Elvis has left the building.
OSS didn't have that happen to him.
But, the Jim/Flint show sure is.