HAHa How in the Actual Fuck could you Know… Me: Giggles like a bitch..
The End will not be for everyone Kek!
HAHa How in the Actual Fuck could you Know… Me: Giggles like a bitch..
The End will not be for everyone Kek!
You scurred.. lil angry puppy woof! woof! woof! woof!woof!
You're on the Assumptions Crew? What Q post mentions Anons making Assumptions?
if you give them up you never needed them in the first place because you would never give them up if you understood why you had them in the first place.. stop virtue signaling over pathetic choices, screaming about it makes you look like a bitch.. anyway
Kek some of what you say is truth.
lol it's about the trying and the being best not the bitching and undermining..
lol You and everyone one else put money and men above the fear and love of God.. I bet when you think of the fallen ones you forgot to include humans.. The orobus only exists because of the willing participation of the individual.. together these things make the Duat aka the "present" we walk through everyday A new chance everyday but all have chosen to DWELL which does not guarantee a future it guarantees an end. if people actually knew what the where reading things could change and quickly but the old ways are so easy to teach to those who believe they already see.. time loop (i'm not excluding muh self)
Anything can be anything to anyone What do you see when you look at the water?