Michigan Board of Elections Tosses Top Republican Candidates from Governor’s Race Including James Craig and Perry Johnson – Claim They Did Not Turn in Enough Valid Signatures…UPDATE: MUCH MORE COMING
If you can’t beat them — Toss them.
The Michigan Bureau of Elections, a corrupt group that allowed the 2020 state election to be stolen by hundreds of ballot traffickers and tens of thousands of illegal ballots, disqualified the two leading Republican candidates for the upcoming gubernatorial election.
Former Detroit police Chief James Craig and billionaire businessman Perry Johnson were knocked out of the race today by the leftist election group. The Michigan Bureau of Elections claims they do not have enough legitimate signatures on their petitions to enter the race.
Craig and Perry were both very attractive Republican candidates who were vying for the Republican challenger to wicked Gretchen Whitmer.
This was an easy way to eliminate the competition early.
The Detroit News reported:
Former Detroit police Chief James Craig and businessman Perry Johnson, two of the top candidates for the Republican nomination for governor, didn’t submit enough valid petition signatures to make the ballot, according to findings from the Michigan Bureau of Elections.
The bureau’s revelations Monday evening shook up the 2022 race to be Michigan’s governor, potentially leaving Republicans without their most well-known candidate, Craig, and without their wealthiest hopeful, Johnson.
If the bureau’s reviews hold, five of the 10 candidates who submitted signatures to run for governor wouldn’t make the ballot. Three other GOP candidates for governor were also found to have insufficient signatures: financial adviser Michael Markey of Grand Haven, Michigan State Police Capt. Michael Brown of Stevensville and entrepreneur Donna Brandenburg of Byron Center.