Short Answer: No.
This is either Autism/OCD or
Methamphetamine Driven.
Pointless waste of Energy.
All situations are Liquid not Static.
The Plan Evolves as the Players scatter and make Bad Choices all the walls close in.
Good Point.
But I doubt He'd sit in Jail for "The Plan".
Would you? He financially Destroyed too.
Is it possible Mueller and Comey had to Play this Part so that the Cabal/Clinton killers would believe that did "all they could" to Save them to Protect themselves and Family?
Everyone's afraid of the Clinton killing Machine.
Except Q Team and Trump.
You "White Obama" running your Country.
Until he's gone you may to Endure what we Americans had to.
God Speed
5 eyes will be Abolished under Trump
Don't Trash Black People.
The are American not Afro-Americans and joining in our Fight
Welcome them.
There's Trash of All colors on Commie side.
I already told you Fools.
He's either Constipated or walking around with a Big Butt Plug.