Thank you for that question, and I appreciate that question and your sentiment but at this time due to the sensitive situation and on going investigations that were are pursuing inclusive of the Kennedy and 911 cases, we are at this time unable to answer any questions regarding this matter until such further time than this current time depending on the outcome of our on going investigations into this matter and other matters similar to this of which we are not able to divulge at this time due to national security. But I appreciate your question regarding this matter and I fully understand your reasoning to want public disclosure but we have deem this particular topic a national security threat to welfare of the American people and on behalf of the children of this nation to not dramatize them any further; therefor we have also deemed to only show President Kennedy's head being blown off at several angles and constantly repeated on the news cycles as a safety and precaution to the sensitive psychological welfare of the people. In other words senator, we do this because you can't handle the gruesome details of what we have discovered only the carnage.