God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
Good! I actually like the new BO and BVs. Jim included. Never had a single problem with any of them in fact since they took over things have gotten a lot better. Sorry but not sorry I've always been in the "anons should be anonymous" camp and never fell for the repetition attempts to destroy the code of anon by praising famefags. Watched the board for years and seen the same clowns clock in 365 days a year at 8am EST and openly advertising it. Don't like famefags never will. They are worse than all the rest of the shills combined. I support the management here and will continue to do so because they support free speech. They have their big boy pants on and can surely appreciate my free speech without taking it personally because they aren't invested in the namefaggots and famefaggots. I'm sure they can handle my criticisms of famefaggots.
God bless.
Hey this guy gets it. For the rest they'll be sick of the famefaggots when I'm done.
God bless the anons who are actually anon and not just here for fame and yous.
I can get behind this. Thank you for sincere wishes and your free speech. See you can actually wish good things for people without using the same fucking repetitive image as an identity. Anons being anon, top fucking notch.
Anon, swordy IS the shill. Swords are instruments of division and death. Swords heal nothing. Thank you for the (You) and your free speech. God bless!
>Fake Swordy
We are supposed to have identities now? Whether you accept it or not you were programmed through repetition to love and accept identityfaggot famefaggots. I still love and appreciate you even if you aren't awake yet though. Q said anons were faceless fameless and fearless. Anons are anon. Anons need no fame or persona.
They are called bolts anon.
They call them "tall whites". Also got the greys of course. Never heard any of them called blacks or Browns though. Maybe the ayys are the true racists.
God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
See without the picture there's no identity attached. Bless the work of the bakers and bo bvs. Keep up the good work anons.