I baked too. Dough would not drop. Locked the other bake.
Someone proposed using Globals to highlight important posts from DJT or others. I posted to say that's not the function of Globals. But opened the door to the possibility of a section after globals. Did not advocate for it, just a possibility - IF anons want it.
Baker today (gerbil?) wants to implement. Anons need to know. Not a done deal, just an idea for discussion.
Saw it. End of bread handoffs are confusing.
>I don't think most things Trump says to be even notable and much less sub global.
Goal might be to sort the wheat from the chaff, but do not know.
Needs to start with a topic thread, like the internationals. You will understand this, how important stuff from those threads can be reposted here to get into Notables.
But topic threads require a lot of maintenance. So would only work if the anon(s) proposing this are willing to support the thread and select especially significant posts.
Archive is great but no current stuff.
Do not know which baker, new ip. Mentioned returning in the morning, likely gerbil.
how would you envision it?
Baker or anyone can propose an idea. But dough changes are a big deal because so many different bakers come thru.
i assumed a thread because it's like a staging area from which to draw but you are right - may not be needed.
how would the posts be different from regular notables? got examples?
There are a few bakers who do a lot but a bunch more who show up from time to time
Anons have been arguing about dough simplicity vs completeness for a long time, at least since the start of qr.
It was around last Oct that the dough was shortened/simplified. As a result, International breads have been less visible than they once were.
>how to agree what goes in
that is the question. also when to take them out. suppose baker makes a controversial choice. can next baker reverse it?
another way to promote digs is to link them to previous digs, so there is a linked chain of digs
You just stated the general problem with the dough as a whole: how to decide what info is important enough to be at the top of every bread
OP has Q posts & intro
Followed by board announcements and notables
The rest is now in Dough Resources - accessed via links on OP.
don't forget, started with the idea of PDJT posts, which are not digs. Digs are a pretty good example of something that is ongoing.
>if anons are persistent and LOGICAL enough, they actually convince next baker to add it back
sometimes this happens, often it doesn't
anons come and go, many aren't here long
communication is always a challenge
i tend to opt for simplicity as a result
Globals were mainly for announcements and other in house stuff until they got politicized and then disappeared. The only digs i can recall that appeared in Globals were board related - ones involving 8kun or QR (Aug 2020):
>>10430503, >>10432390 FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A โTerrorist Threatโ
not strictly board announcements but board related, see >>16343421
>globals used for tracking of election fuckery
they were eventually used for many things, but it seems like a case of "mission drift" - probably why they had disappeared by the end of 2021.
interesting dif in perspective between these two posts. both reasonable but quite different.
getting anon noms would be a challenge.
This discussion was kicked off by an admin. It's been pretty reasonable up until now. Once it degenerates to name-calling, what can be accomplished?
Suggest any anon interested in this topic see which baker follows thru tomorrow morning, see cap >>16343151
Many 'dasting points from the discussion so far. Seems like a good time to leave.
Good night.