do do do lookin out my backdoor
my thing is, the guy kept saying there was bodies buried there as they could smell so stopped digging? then this got alot of attention… k-9s would of been brought in… cadaver dogs.
im thinking this was a look over here moment to take eyes off of 5 dead connected to jon. it sure got buttoned up awful fast.
too scripted
it was to take all the attention off the jon bonnet thing
someone is really scared to order that many hits that close together.
then it all gets wrapped up nice so fast.
i wonder if it has something to do with indictments
or maybe that sex cult chick being arrested
or even harvey. someone is scared someone is snitching and covering any loose ends.
that is what this was all about.
amen, first of all its private property…hello
and if there really was any evidence
its no good now ffs
many times