Will she ever know how much this board appreciates her?
If there’s anything anon has learned through this endeavor, it’s this: it the habbenings are penciled in on the calendar, it’s bullshit.
If news articles use “tick tock” “bombshell” or “ panic”, they too, are likely bullshit.
Whatever the fuck trump has planned it will likely be a surprise to most (but hinted in q drops), and unscheduled.
Ex: Ukraine
Hated it. The day I saw it in the theater I told my friend, “ this movie feels like something the filmmaker saw, not some fictional story”
They were either afraid or in on it
Austria feels the pain from the Russian Bear
Kek, I know we don’t like her, but let’s not get carried away and mix that with her appearance.
If she wasn’t a cunt, none of us would be kicking her out of bed.
Not on any list I saw
Fair point.
I’d add the Bolshevik revolt and holomodor .
Seems like they know how to steal it. They’ll just do it again this year and dines can release a fucking 2000 mules director’s cut and sequel combo to show us how they tracked them using the same tech, but more inclusive.
Normies prolly think most of the folks in Chicago had it coming on some level, and created the trouble for themselves, whereas kids in school are completely innocent and the trouble comes to them.