My serious answer. Start with ourselves. Stop speaking in absolutes (all xxx are bad). Think local, act local. Try not to worry about things which you have no control over. Start a family. Hug your kids. Grow things. Let go of anything toxic in your life, including social media. Unplug from the 24/7 news mentality and just live. :)
>The formula they apply has been known from time immemorial – divide and rule. There is nothing new here. Hence the attempts to play on the ”national question“ and sow discord among people, the overarching goal being to divide and then to pit the parts of a single people against one another.
What works for me: No food or liquid 3 hrs before bed. No screen time 3 hrs before bed (oops). Try to get to bed at same time each night and if you can, no alarm. Write things down that are bothering you before you sleep, mentally erasing them from your short term memory.
Essentially, get into a habit. The medical term is sleep hygiene, in a nutshell, picture how you’d get a baby to get into a good sleep routine, and do that. G L anon.
Perfect music to drift off to.. early morning fishing so a short sleep. :)
My other suggestion would be plenty of fresh air and outdoor time. All that extra oxygen usually tires one out. Do you feel rested after 6 hrs?
I’ve been “here” since that pamphlet guy. :)