so a white school bus (with "Need Cash? staffing partners has the jobs!) just pulled up in our neighborhood (3 pm) and a handful of young strangers got off of it, starting walking down the street, in a casually spaced out line. Some smoking, all hooded, and wearing backpacks of one sort or another. They disappeared down the street (and the bus parked down a little way).
we have nothing here; except for a tiny tiny business park around the bend (couple of blocks away), power generator station, and proximity to a midsize airport. Everything is closed now for the holiday weekend.
casing things out? This is the second wave of strolling, backpacked young adults I have seen walk past my house.
alert but not alarmed
will keep you posted
and also, keep watch around your residential neighborhoods
(note we also received a warning to stay away from the beaches of lake michigan today due to 9 foot waves. there is no storm and the wind is about normal. a visual indicated the lake itself is not even choppy, much less wavy. So already things are strange)