Maybe because legally you have to have one to transport a child? Try not to go off half-cocked, guys. I'm with you on this. But you have to keep your wits about you and not jump to conclusions prematurely.
Or someone could have admitted to something to the psych.
How do you know it isn't him?
People have made a case for Kenya.
Wasn't there a case tried for this somewhere?
Yes, I like DJT as president. Term limits across the board might have prevented this mess in the first place, though.
So it happened because they were on the US teat.
Some things are beyond price.
So why would POTUS endorse him?
>>> 1635935
Because paper is flat. Having been with someone who was a cartographer at one time, I am quite aware of the choices that must be made in representing 3D objects on 2D paper. I rather like this map, actually. Interesting choice to choose the North Pole as the focus point. And interesting choice to portray the map as a clock. Both valid representations of the 3D earth.
He's in front of the storm again.
Plot twist? Making more popcorn…