Technically, everything he did SHOULD be null and void but practically…can you imagine what would happen if we had to wipe Obama's entire presidency? Constitution doesn't address it probably because they never thought it would happen. They put the natural born citizen requirement in because they thought that someone who wasn't born here would do that shit. Well, they were right. But they didn't count on actual American citizens in our own government helping. Or they did and figured we deserve to lose it all if we allow that to happen.
He's useful from time to time. That's about it, as far as I'm concerned.
The fucking portrait ought to be one of the first things to go up in flames. Undoing what he's done isn't even possible. How do we remove every judge he's appointed? How do we just wipe out every statutory law from his two terms? Can't invalidate spending. The fucking money is already spent. That's all he really did was spend a shitload of money. That's why Trump went after regulations. It's where Obama did most of the damage. Went after ObamaCare but that's a different story. He can kill Obama's legacy.
The real problem is the courts. Every judge would be unlawfully appointed. They'd have to create some sort of "good faith exception" (like Davis for criminal cases involving the exclusionary rule, 4A). Every ruling by an Obama appointee judge would have to stand. Just un-fuck the courts, let them fix themselves by dumping bad precedent. Tons of pain with that but the alternative is an absolute nightmare. What to do with judges, though? What to do with every sentence commutation, every pardon, executive action of any kind.
It's actually entertaining to watch everyone, not just Dems, completely lose their shit over how Trump is behaving and the statements from the WH, etc. It makes perfect fucking sense to me. They're so blinded by their anger that they allow him to control the narrative. He wants to talk about pardon power? Ok, let's generate a nationwide discussion about it and have people learn what it's all about.
I always found that to be ironic as hell since when he's found to be an illegitimate president, he'll be impeached and stripped of his title.
How do you show others that someone is mentally unstable? Trigger that person in front of others. It works EVERY TIME.
It's kinda hard to differentiate a sex trafficker's camp from a coyote camp. They all treat humans like garbage. Awful things likely happened there because they are animals but not on the scale that's being portrayed.
I guess good news is Biden won't be running in 2020.