>>1635107 lb
Time to edit those FAR LEFT Wikipedia pages anons. We need to destroy that Zionists site/foundation.
>>1635107 lb
Time to edit those FAR LEFT Wikipedia pages anons. We need to destroy that Zionists site/foundation.
His birth certificate and the whole story with Loretta Fuddy's murder
His part in Trump's surveillance
His Deep State 16yr plan to destroy America and make it a commie nation & world with him as king pin over it all
Driving around my corner of the plane, I come across some cool signs that remind me of this board. Here's a couple for you fine anons and Q
Q living and of course No Name
Nice find anon. That is way cool.
It is a whole line of products with No Name being the brand name, kek. Kinda nuts I know but hey this place makes no cents because its loonie.
Unless it really is indefinite not infinite?
I do not think it is a "misquote" as it may be a mistranslation. No need to be defensive it is a fair observation.
You are a piece of shit clown fag GTFO
Yes, several breads ago