thanks rally baker
she would have much better chance just staying in virginia and running for congress, especially in braindead northern virginia
thank you, Donald, for bringing attention to the unjust treatment of Americans, who were waved inside the capitol by nancy pelosi's gestapo, then arrested and held without trial
okay liz, whatever you say
okay liz, whatever you say
fuck off
you apparently are not concerned about political prisoners being held without bond, without trial
many of whom were waved into the capitol building by capitol police
we want justice
no, you go fuck yourself, you disgusting cunt,
if you have no concerns for your fellow Americans who are innocent of any and all crimes
okay, so now you ae backing down
my anger is justified because innocent people are being held as political prisoners
and, for you to say that these people were incorrect for going to dc to express theri voices, the 1st amendment rights, well, that tells me really all i need to know about you and your lack of integrity
yes, he looks phenomenal for an almost 76 yr old man