Same here. I hearken back to when I became aware, It has been one hell of a ride.
Everyone thought I was a little nuts my whole life. I have some seriously traumatic events that have guided me on my path. I always say I'm the only me I can be.
I have been wrong about very little and never failed anyone on any promise. I stand up when most run. I have scars all over from what was in hindsight pretty fucking stupid but they lived and so did I.
My smartest brother thinks I am an Angel on earth.
I have no answer for that. I am just me… and that other guy who runs into burning buildings. I'd like to meet him someday.
Some of the funnest shit I ever did. Shoot Cold War American Artillery for four years. Third best time of my life guarding West Germany from East Germany and the hoards of shitty tanks and fake missiles from the paper tiger called the Soviet Union. Fucking C_A/KGB bullshit fest that cost my Grandkids their financial future. The human race should be on Mars with all the shit tons of money we spent on the "Cold War".
No we were not. I challenge you to find any mention in the Bible of the words
Show me in the Bible the framework for the Constitution.
Many of the concepts America was founded on come from the Indians around up state New York and the confederation they developed long before the White man showed up.
I've read everything he produced and the bible is not something he produced. Biblefags are notorious for cherry picking nifty sounding shit out of context shit from their retarded, massively edited book.
If we were Biblically based we would have a King who ruled until death and the his son would rule after. We would have NO say in who he was. We fought a war over this. It was called the Revolution.
Find the word VOTE in the Bible. It isn't there and was really a Greek concept long into the bin of history.
Try Plato's Republic and you may find a few familiar words from our Constitution.