I am the hacker formally known as 4chan.
I am the hacker formally known as 4chan.
Listen, All the Keks I have, I'm going to be needing.
There will be no free keks here today.
Best you turn around and walk away.
Dubs check'd
Sure, sure.
Eloquently put, anon.
>and half the QR anons think they are so awake yet will never reach their full potential
133 uid's
Half of them = 67
The world is fucked because 67 people smoke weed, or watch TV
Seems legit.
Or maybe you are going to be the 3 eyed raven, like the cripple in Game of Thrones.
Means you get to see future and past events.
Let me know if it pans out that you can see the future.
Straight from the wiki, good job.
I'm not a flat earther.
Was merely pointing out that what you typed while calling the other anon a moran, was a copy pasta from wiki.
Quotes from a dusty old book mean nothing.