The Ugliest Form of Antagonism…and It's
for You
American Thinker, by Jeffrey Folks
Posted By: Imright, 5/30/2022 7:25:04 AM
Roger Scruton was a British philosopher who spent his life defending conservative values. Sir Roger, as he was after his knighthood in 2016, saw the antagonist culture as a rejection of inherited values, including gender distinctions, capitalism, patriotism, religious faith, and everyday morality such as honesty and prohibitions against theft, adultery, and other evils.No one understood antagonism better, on a theoretical level, than Scruton, and he wrote with passion and clarity. For anyone wishing to understand the culture of antagonism, Scruton's books, including The Meaning of Conservatism, The Aesthetics of Music, and How to Be a Conservative, are a good place to start.