Anonymous ID: 08f782 May 30, 2022, 8:28 a.m. No.16368245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christian church that the Jews have not repeatedly attacked.

If there is in the world any extra-ecclesiastical undertaking by

Catholics which has won the undivided approval of the entire Christian

world it is the Passion Play of Oberammergau. Yet in a volume entitled

"A Rabbi 's Impression of the Oberammergau Passion Play," Rabbi

Joseph Krauskopf, of Philadelphia, has stigmatized that noble production

as reeking with falsehoods and vicious anti-Semitism. In the rabbi's eye,

of course, it is for to him the entire Christian tradition is a poisonous lie.

The whole fabric of Christian truth, especially as it concerns the person

of Christ is the "hallucinations of emotional men and hysterical women."

"Thus," says the rabbi, "was invented that cruel story, that has caused

more misery, more innocent suffering, than any other work of fiction in

the range of the whole world's literature."

And thus the simple peasants of Oberammergau, presenting the

Catholic faith in reverent pageant, are labeled anti-Semite.*

These are not isolated instances. Wnen the Methodist Church put on

the great pageant entitled "The Wayfarer." Rabbi Stephen S. Wise

[American Zionist leader when this original was published, and one of the

most active political leaders of Zionist Jewry in the United States. Ed.]

played critic and made the solemn an<;i silly statement that had he been a

South Sea Islander (instead of the itinerant platform performer which he

is), his first impulse, after seeing "The Wayfarer" would have been to

rush out into the street and kill at least three Jews. It says a great deal

perhaps, for the channel in which Rabbi Wise's impulses run, but the tens

of thousands of Methodists who saw "The Wayfarer" will not be inclined

to attribute such a cri ti cism to the spirit of tolerance which Rabbi Wise

so zealously counsels t he Christians to observe.

The Episcopal Church also has fel t the attack of the Jews. Recently

[June, 1921, Ed.] the Jewish Press raised a clamor that the Episcopal

Church was not competent to seek to interfere with it. It is not religious

tolerance in the midst of religious difference, but religious attack that they

preach and practice. The whole record of the Jewish opposition to

Christmas, Easter and other Christian festivals, and their opposition to

Anonymous ID: 08f782 May 30, 2022, 8:28 a.m. No.16368248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

certain patriotic songs, shows the venom and directness of that attack.

One parallel between the Protocols and the real hopes of the Jews is

written in the common Jewish prophecy that Christianity is doomed to

perish. It will perish, to all intents and purposes, by becoming Judaism.

Jewish intolerance today, yesterday and in every age of history

wilere Jews were able to exert influence or power, is indisputable except

among people who do not know the record. Jewish intolerance in the past

is a matter of history; for the future it is a matter of Jewish prophecy.

One of the strongest causes militating against the full Americanization of

several millions of Jews in this country is their belief instilled in them by

their religious authorities-that they are "chosen," that this land is theirs,

that the inhabitants are idolaters, that the day is coming when the Jews

will be supreme.

How can they othe~ise · act than in agr~ement with such

declarations? The supercilious attitude adopted by the Jews towards _the

stock that made America is merely aforeshadowing of what would be the

complete attitude if power and influence made it possible..Bolshevism,

which began ~ith the destruction of the class ·that contained all ·the

promise of a better Russia, is in e~act para.llel tor th~ attitude that is

adopted in this cotmtry regarding the original stock.