Angles of jewish Influence II
deliberate and masterly plan of camouflaged propaganda, that the mass-
thought of the crowd (which is the thought mostly echoed in popular
pulpits and editorials) is more Jewish than Jewry itself holds.
The Jew has got hold of the Church in doctrine, in liberalism, so-
called, and in the feverish and feeble sociological diversions of many
classes. If there is any place where a straight study of the Jewish Question
should be made it is in the modem Church which is unconsciously giving
allegiance to a mass of Jewish propaganda. It is not reaction that is
counseled here; it is progress along constructive paths, the paths of our
forefathers. the Anglo-Saxons, who have to this day been the World
Builders, the Makers of cities and commerce and continents; and not the
Jews who have never been builders or pioneers, who have never peopled
the wilderness, but who move in upon the labors of other men. They are
not to be blamed for not being Builders or Pioneers, perhaps; they are to
be blamed for claiming all the rights of pioneers; but even then, perhaps,
their blame ought not to be so great as the blame that rests upon the sons
of Anglo-Saxons for rejecting the straightforward Building of their
fathers, and taking up with the doubtful ideas of Judah.
Colleges are being constantly invaded by the Jewish idea. The sons
of the Anglo-Saxons are being attacked in their very heredity. The
sons of the Builders, the Makers, are being subverted to the philosophy
of the destroyers. Young men in the first exhilarating · months of
intellectual freedom are being seized with promissory doctrines, the
sources and consequences of which they do not see. There is a natural
rebelliousness of youth, which promises progress; there is a
venturesomeness to play free with ancient faiths; both of which are
ebullitions of the spirit and significance of dawning mental virility. It is
during the periods when these adolescent expansions are in process that
the youth is caprured by influences which deliberately lie in wait for him
at the colleges. True, in after years a large proportion come to their
senses sufficiemly to be able "to sit on the fence and see themselves go
by" and they come back to sanity. They find that "freelove" doctrines
make exhilarating club topics, but that the Family-the old fashioned
loyalty of one man and one woman to ea:ch other and their children-is