Anonymous ID: 799902 May 30, 2022, 8:36 a.m. No.16368341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An Introduction to the "Jewish Protocols" 53

"We have attained this (Press Control) at the present time to the

extent that all news is received drrough several agencies in which it

is centralized from aU parts of the world. These agencies will then

be to all intents and purposes our own institutions and publish only

that which we permit."

This from the Seventh Protocol bears on the same subject:

"We must force the Gentile govermnents to adopt measures which

will promote our broadly conceived plan, already approaching its

triumphant goal, by bringing to bear the pressure of stimulated

pub!ic opinion, wbich has been organized by us with the help ofthe

so-called 'great power' of the Press. With a few exceptions, not

'llorth considering, it is already in our hands."

To resume the Twelfth Protocol:

"If we have already managed to dominate the mind of Gentile

society to such a point that almo~t ali see world affairs drrough the

colored lenses of the spectacles which we place before their eyes,

and if now there is not oc.e government with barriers erected against

our access to that which by Gentile stupidity is called state secrets,

what then will it be when we are the recognized masters of the

world in the pe.::-son of our univerJal ruler?"

The Jewish nation is the orJy nation that pos:;esses the secrets of the

rest. The fact that they can get whatever they want when they want it is

the import:mt point–as many a secret paper could testify if it could talk,

and as many a custodian of secret papers could tell if he would. The real

secret diplomacy of the world is that which hands over the world's

so-called secrets to a few men who are members of one race; there is no

government ic. the world so completely at their service as our own at


Anonymous ID: 799902 May 30, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.16368342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

54 The International jew


The Protocols do not regard the dispersal of the Jews abroad upon the

face of the earth as a calamity but as a providential arrangement by

which the World Plan can be the more easily executed, as see these

words of the Eleventh Protocol:

"God gave us, His Chosen People, as a blessing, the dispersal, and

this which has appeared to all to be our weakness haS' been our

whole strength. It has now brought us to the threshoid of universal


The claims to accomplishment which are put forth in .the Ninth

Protocol would be too massive for words were they not too massive for

concrete realization, bot there is a' point where the word and ·the actuality

meet and tally: · . · .

"In order not to destroy prematilrely th~ Gentile insti.tutions; we

have laid our efficient hands on them, and grasped the springs of

their mechanism. Thty were f~rmerty·ih strict and just order, but

.we have replaced them with a liberal dis'organized and arbitrary

administration. We have tampered with jurisprudence, the 'friuichise,

the · press,· freedom of the person; and, most important of all,

education and culture, the cornerstone-of free exiStence:

' ' ( .

"We have misled, stupefi~d and demoralized the Youth of the

Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories pateptly

false to us , but which we have Inspired. Above existing laws,

without actual change but by distorting them through contradictory

interpretations, we have created something stupendous in the way' of .

results." '· . :~ ..

Every one knows that in spite of the fact that the air was never full

of theories of liberty and wild declarations of "r ights" there' has b'eeri a

steady curtailment of "personal freedom." Instead of being socialized, the

people, under a cover of socialistic phrases, are being brought under an

unaccustomed bondage to the state; laws of every kind are hedging upon