>Being an Abridge
>Glorious, no?
>Why don't they start an Israel thread since International threads are for Nations and States?
gratuitous gaylord kylo ren polka
>the Jews overrunning the people and secretly securing the control of the
>major instruments of life,
>"The Tories lose an important election at a critical moment; 'tis the
>Jews come forward to vore against them. The Church is alarmed at
>the scheme of a latitudinarian university, and learns with relief that
>funds are not forthcoming for its establishment; a Jew immediately
>advances and endows it."
> between the two.
>In Eastern Europe Bolshevism and Zionism often seem to grow side
>by side, just as Jewish influence molded Republican and Socialist
>thought throughout the nineteenth century
>It is also serving as
>a very useful public screen for the carrying on of secre t activities : ~
>International Jews, the controllers of the world's governmental and
>financial power, may meet anywhere, at' any time, in war or peace (ime
>and by giving out that they are Only considering the ways and means of
>opening up Palestine to the Jews,
>The point of Interest for this and other countries is not that a
>"criminal or a madman" conceived such a program, but that, when
>conceived, this program found means of getting itself fulfilled in its most
>important particulars.
> "We Jews will do this," but the "The
>Gentiles will be made to think and do these things." With the exception
>of a few instances in the closing Protocols, the only distinctive racial term
>used is "Gentiles."
>To illustrate: the first indic
>The attempt to make them appear to be of
>Russian origin is absolutely forestalled by the point of view, the
>references to the times and certain grammatical indications. The tone
>certainly fits the supposition that they were originally lectures given to
>students, for their purpose is clearly not to get a program accepted but to
>give information concerning a program which is represented as being
>already in process of fulfilment.
> control over public opinion, it is first neces$ary to
>confuse it by t.he expression from various sides of so many
>conflicting opinions
>uln reality there are no obstacles before us. Our super-government
>has such an extra-legal status that it may be called the energetic and ,
>strong world-dictatorship. I can consciously say that, at the present
>tim'e, we are the
> "and now SAVE, our Cunty"