Anonymous ID: a1ee11 May 30, 2022, 8:32 a.m. No.16368280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8288

civilized nations of the world in council."

Not only did Herzl declare that the Jews formed a nation, but in

relating the action of this Jewish nation to the world Herzl wrote:

"W hen we sink, we become a. revolutionary proletariat, the

subordinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we rise, there

rises also our terrible power of the purse."

This view, which appears .to ~e the true vie~ in that it is the view

which has been longest 'sustained iri ~ewi~h thoug_ht, is brought out also

by Lord Eustace Percy, and re-published, apparently with approval, by

the Canadian "JewishChronicle . " It will repay careful reading .

"Liberalism and Natio~alism: .with a fiou;ish of trumpets, threw

open the door of the ghett? an~ ~ffered ~~al citiz~~hip to the .Jew ..

The Jew passed out irito the Western World, saw the power and the

glory of it; tised it and ehjoyed it; laid his hand indeed upon the

nerve centers of its civilization, guided, directed and exploited it,

and then refused the offer. .. .Moreover - ~nd this is a remarkable

thing-the Europe of nationalism and liberalism, of scientific

government and democriltic equality is more intolerable to him than .

the ·old oppressions and persec~tioris of d~spotism . ..

' .

"In a world of completely' organized t~rritorial sovereignit,ieshe (the

Jew) has only two possible cities of refuge : he must either pull down

the pillars of the whole natiorial state system or he must create a .

territorial · sovereignty' of his own. In this perhaps lies the

explanation both of Jewish Bolshevisrri and of Zio~ism, for at this

moment Eastern Jewry seems to hover uricertaiflly between the two.

In Eastern Europe Bolshevism and Zionism often seem to grow side

by side, just as Jewish influence molded Republican and Socialist

thought throughout the nineteenth century, dowp. to the Yqung Turk

revolution in Constantinople hardly more thim a decade ago,-not

because the Jew cares for the positive side of radical philosophy, not

because he desires to be a partaker in Gentile nationalism or Gentile

democracy, but because no existing Gentile/m of governmen