92 The International Jew
all over the world, not in Russia only, is Jewish.
More to the present point is Palestine, where the unity of
revolutionary arid financial Jew.ry is never more clearly established. It is
possible for the most irresponsible Jewish spokesman to deny that
Palestine is Jewish.* The government is Jewish, the plan of procedure is
Jewish, the ·mei.hods used are Jewish. Palestine will do to illustrate the
genius of the Je\f when he comes to power.
PrOfe~rsor Albert T.Clay, in the "Atlantic Monthly" (will anyone
declare that this long established and thoroughly respectable Boston
publication is "anti-Semitic"?) warns us that the information about
Palestine which we receive in America comes to us through the Jewish
Telegraph Service (which is the Associated Press of worldwide Jewry)
and the Zionist propaganda. "The latter ," he says, "with its harrowing
stories of programs in EuroJ)e, and its misrepresentations of·the situation
inthe Near East, has been able to awaken not a little sympathy for the
Zionist propaganda."
This propaganda of programs,- "thousands upon thousands of Jews
killed" -amounts tO nothing except as it illustrates the gullibility of the
Press. No one believes this propaganda and governments regularly
disprove it. But the fact that it continues indicates that something besides
facts is necessary to keep the scheme going. In Jerusalem as this is being
written [1921. Ed.] martial law is proclaimed. There has been a struggle
between the native inhabitants, whom the Balfour Declaration sought to
protect and the new-come Jews. The Jews were well armed and the
natives fought with whatever weapons they could find on the spot; the
conClusion of all impartial observers bei~g thai the Jews prepared for and
sought the fight with unprepared Arabs.
The mark of disorder perpetrated by the Jews is all over the place,
the "persecuted" turned persecutor; and lest this should be charged to the
general wildness of the people in Palestine , let it be sa id th at the Jewish
rioters (most of whom are thugs from Eastern Europe) are only .
expressing in deeds what the "cultivated" American and English Jews
have expressed iri words_:..namely, that the lawful inhabitants of the land
ought to be driven out in spite of governmental promises to the contrary.