…. 94 The International Jew
Jewry in power.
Then follows what is described by every impartial observer as an
arrogant attempt to expropriate everything in sight. The only schools that
had been established in Jerusalem had been built and manned by the
Gentiles, although the tiny group of Jews permanently resident in
Jerusalem have been the pensioners of world-wide Jewry for centuries.
As long ago as 1842 Dr. Murray M ' Cheyne notedthat the Jerusalem
Jews cared nothing for the schools, but Christians with a warm regard for
the Holy City set about to improve the miserable condition of the Jewish
inhabitants. Thus it came that at .the time of the Zionist invasion a
considerable number of Jewish chiidren were in the attendance at the
schools. The new-came Zionist leaders demanded that the best of the
schools be given up to them. Of COl!rse, this .was refuse~ . "The Council
of Jerusalem Jews" then caused it to be published in the Hebrew daily
that parents who did not withdraw tl1eir children fr~m the schools wo~ld
be punished. Now look at the typical punishments threatened:
If any parent refused whose name ~as on the .list of the Americ~n
Relief Fund, 'the relief would be withdrawn.
Doctors would be forbidden to visit families that had children
attending the enlightened schools.
Their names would be sent to the black-list at the places where
circumcision was performed; so that new-born descendants of the
recalcitrants might be refused the rites ofMoses ..
They would be denied all share in Zioni~t benefits or funds . .
If they ':"ere in business they would be b~ycotted .
If they were workmen, they could get no work.
"Anyone who refused, let him know that it was forbidden for him
to be called by the name of Jew. They will be fought by all lawful. ~ . .
means . Their names will be put upon a monument of shame and
their deeds made to reproach them to the last generation. If they are