72 The International jew
The energies of the Jewish powers were concentrated on the task of
preventing the United States from changing the immigration laws in a
manner to protect the country from undesirable aliens .
More Kehillah attempts to secure modification of th e Sunday laws.
Jewish opposition to various.movements towards making the schools free
to use the Bible.
Jews busy carrying out an immense campaign against the "literacy
clause" of the Immigration Bill .
On demand of the Jews the New Haven, Connecticut, Board of Education
prevents the reading of "The Merchant of Venice," and extends the
prohibition to Lamb ' s "Tales from Shakespeare ."
1918-1919 .
Provost Marshal Crowder, in charge of the Selective Draft U. S Forces,
had issued ·an order to a ll medical examiners. under di rection of the
Surgeon General, stating :. "The foreign born, espec ially Jews , are more
apt to _malinger than the native-born." Louis Marshall , head of th e
American Jewish Committee, telegraphed demanding t he " further use of
this _form shall be at once discontinued ."- President W ils on ordered the
excision of the paragraph .
The United States Shipping Board se nt an advertisement to the " New
York Times" calling for a file clerk and stating that a ~ ' Christian ' ' was
preferred-by which is meant always a non-Jew-the paper rejected it.
Louis Marshall again went into action and protested to Bainbridge Colby ~
Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State, demanding " Not because of any
desire for inflicting punishment, but for the sake of example and the
establishment of a necessary precedent this offence should be followed by
a dismissal from the public office of the offender, and the public should