84 The International Jew
appointed as the representative of Communism in the United States one
Charles Rebt, a Jew, a lawyer by profession, who maintained an office
in New York. This office was the rendezvous of all the Jewish labor
union leaders in the city, many of the labor leaders throughout the
country, and frequently of American governmental officials and other
political leaders known to be the henchmen of Jewish aspirations in the
United States and sympathizers with predatory radicalism. The
organization has since spread from coast to coast, from north to south.
The situation of Communist headquarters in New York was , and is
important because from that center, lines of authority and action radiate
to all the other cities of the Union. New York is the laboratory in which
the emissaries of revolution learn their lesson, and their knowledge is
daily increased by the counsel and experience of traveling delegates
straight out of Russia.
American citizens do not realize that all the public disturbances, the
labor differences, strikes and political confusions of which they read are
not mere sudden outbreaks, but the deliberately planned movements of
leaders who know exactly what they are doing.
Mobs are methodical; there is always an intelligent core which gets
done under the appearance of excitement what has been planned before
hand. Up through the French Revolution, up through the German
Revolution, up through the Russian Revolution, and the world disorders
since, came the previously chosen men, and to this day the groups thus
raised to power have not. lessened their power-and they are Jewish
groups. Russia is not more Jewish controlled than France; Germany tried
in vain to loosen the grip of Judah from her throat. So it is in America.
The first step of the Jewish organizations supporting Communism in
the United States was the control and expansion of the Hebrew labor
movement among the millions of immigrants during 50 years; with the
view to eventual Jewish control of all labor unions. , The Jews have
captured American trade union movements as completely as if they had
stormed them with the bayonet.
There is a mass of moving literature (mostly written by Jews)
pretending to describe the glowing hearts with which these alien throngs
of liberty-loving democrats, workers, comrades, look upon America,
their longing for the "American way of life," their love of the people and
American institutions. The action of these peopleA.nd the utterances of