80 The International jew
Jews of the shadier type organized an association called The Max
Hochstim Association, which was known as the "Essex Market Court
Gang." One of its chief Iea.ders was Martin Engel, Tammany leader of
the Eighth District. The "king" of this Jewish district was a man named
Solomon who had changed his name to the less revealing one of
"Smith," and who became k,nown as "Silver Dollar Smith," because of
the fact that he ruled his li~e empire from the Silver Dollar Saloon. This
saloon was thus opposite the Essex Market Court, which was thronged
daily by hordes of Yiddish criminals, the bondsmen, the false witnesses
and lawyers. The Max Hochstim Association became the first. organized
White Slavery Group in America, a'nd the reveiations made by 'the United
States Government Investig~tion Co~ttee are shuddering exposures of
that lowest form of depravity-a coolly conducted, commercialized,
consolidated traffic in women. The traffic was made to yield dividends
to politiCians, to Tantmany Jews in particular; it was during the official
investigation that the Max Hochstim Association became ~own as the
"Essex Market Court Gang., Out of the old police court in the "red
light" Essex Market district, New York, comes a word which has fixed
itself in coiilmon English speech. A lawyer named Scheuster, whose .
practices .were quite characteristic, made himself very obnoxious to
Justice Osborne. Whenev.er another Yiddish lawyer attempted a shady
trick th~ judge would ~perlly denou~ce it as "Scheuster practice," and so'
it came that the first men in the professi~n to bear the name of .;shyster"
were the Yiddish lawyers of Essex Market Court, New York. .
. .
I t is a surprising fact that, alth~ugh these matters are written in offi~ial
documents, and although the same matters have been written into the
record of every similar investigation which has been m ·~de, Je~lsh
leaders persist in denying that the ieaders in this partiCular form of ·
depravity are Jews. When the United States Government made anation-
wide investigation; it found and recorded the same facts. Th~ New York
Kehillah came into existence as a defense organization at atime when the
exposure of the Jewish White Slave Traffic threatened to overwhelm the
New York ghetto.
The exposure, which resuited when the white people of New York