Bolshevism and Zionism
~we shall soon begin to establ is h huge monopolies, colossal reservoirs of
wealth, upon which even the big Gentile propenics will be dependent to such an
extent that thq will fail to ge ther with the government credit on the day following
the political catastrophe. The economists here present must carefully weigh the
significance of th is combination. We must develop by every means the
importance of our super-government, representing it as the protector and
benefactor of all who voluntarily submit to us .
~The aristocracy of the Gentiles as a political force has passed away. We need
not take them into consideration. But as owners of the land, they are harmful to
us in that lhey are independznt in their sources of livelihood. Therefore, at all
costs, we must deprive them of their land.
~The best means to attain this is to increase the taxes and mongage indebtedness.
These measures will keep land ownership in a state of unconditional
subordination. Unlble to satisfy their needs by small inheritances, the aristozrats
among the Gentiles will bum themselves out rapidly.
"At the same time it is necessary to encourage trade and industry vigorously and
especially speculation, the function of which is to act as a counterpoise to
industry. Without speculation, industry will cause private capital to increase and
tend to improve the condition· of agriculture by freeing the land from
indebtedness from loans by the land banks. It is necessary for industry to deplete
the land both cf laborers and capital, and. through speculations, transfer all the
money of the world into our haoos, thereby throwing the Gentiles into the ranks
of the proletariat. The Gent il es will then bow before us to obtain the right to
exi s ten ce.~
-The Sixth Protocol
C ommunism works in the United States through preciseiy the same
channels as it used in Russia and through the same agents-
Revolutionary and Predatory Unionism, as distinct from Business
and Uplift Unionism, and Jewish agitators. When Martens, the so-called
Soviet Ambassador, "left" the United States after being deported, he