Anonymous ID: aa21c7 May 30, 2022, 8:38 a.m. No.16368363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8450 >>8475

56 The International Jew

these activities did not end with the Peace Conference.

The whole method of the Protocols may be described in one word

Disintegration. The undoing of what has been done, the creation of a

long and hopeless interim in which attempts at reconstruction shall be

baffled, . and the gradual wearing down of public. opinion and public

confidence, until those who stand outside the created chaos shall insert

their strong, calm hand to . seize control-that is the whole rp.ethod of


The Protocols distin::tly declare that it is by means ofthe set of ide-as

which cluster around "democracy," that their first victory over public

opinion was obtained. The idea is the weapon. Andto be a weapon it

must be an idea at variance with the natural trend of life. It must be a

theory oppo~ed to the facts of life. AIJd no theory so opposed can be

expected to take root and become the ruling factor, unless it appeals to

the mind as reasonable, inspiring and good. The Truth frequently seems

unreasonable; the Truth frequently is qepressing; the Truth sometimes

seems to be evil; but it has the eternal advantage, itjs the Truth, and

what is built thereon neither brjngs nor yields to confusion. The first step

does not give the control of publi~ opinion, but leads up to it. It is

worthy to note that it is this sowing of ~the poison of liberalism," as the

Protocols name it, which comes first in order; in those documents. Then

following upon that, the Protocols say: ..

"To obtain control over, public opinion it is first necessary to

confuse iL"

Truth is one and cannot be confused, but this false, appealing

liberalism which has been sown broadcast and which is ripening faster

under Jewish nurture in America than ever it did in Europe, is easily .

confused because it is not truth. It is error, and error has a thousand

forms. Take a nation, a party, a city, an association in which ~the poison

of liberalism" has been sown, and you can split that up into as many

fa ctions as there are individuals simply by throwing among them certain

modifications of the original idea. That is a piece of strategy well-known

to the forces that invisibly control mass-thought. Theodor Herzl, the

arch-Jew. a man whose vision was wider than any contemporary

statesman's and whose program paralleled the Protocols, knew this many

Anonymous ID: aa21c7 May 30, 2022, 8:38 a.m. No.16368364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8450

58 The International jew

high art of management degenerates into exploitation. It means reckless

confusion among the managers and dangerous unrest among the working

men. But it means something worse: it means the splitting up of Gentile

society. Not a division between "Capital" and "Labor." but the division

between the Gentile at both ends of the working scheme, as the Protocols


"To make it 'possible for liberty definitely to disintegrate and ruin

Gentile society, industry mu'>t be placed on a speculative basis."

With Jewish capital at one end of the Gentile working scheme

putting the screws on the manufacturers, and with Jewish agitators and

disruptionists land subversives at the other end of the Gentile working

scheme putting the screws on the workmen, we have a condition at which

the world managers of the Protocol program must be immensely satisfied.

See Protocol Nine:

"We might fear the.combined strength ·of the Gentiles of vision with

the blind strength of the m~ses, but we have taken all ·measures

· against such a possible contingency, by raising a wall of mutual

antagonism between these two forces. Thus the blind force of the

masses remains our support. We, and we alone, shall serve as their

leaders. Naturally, we will direct their energy to achieve our end . "

.- ·. ·

The indication that they are highly satisfied is that they are not only

not doing anything to relieve the world situation, but are apparently

willing to have it made worse. · The privations which are scheduled for

it (unless Gentile flabbiness before the Jewish power, high and low;

receives a new backbone), will bring the United States to the verge; if not

across the very line, of Bolshevism. The Jews know the whole method of

artificial scarcity and high prices. It was practiced in the French

Revolution and in Russia. All the signs of it are in ·this country too. ·

It is not difficult to see the genealogy of the Jewish ideas of

liberalism from their origin to their latest effects upon Gentile life. The

confusion aimed at is here! Bewilderment characterizes the whole mental

climate of the people today. They do not know what to believe. First one

set of facts is given to them, then another. First one explanation o