jewish Supremacy in
the Theater and Cinema
"To wear everyone out by dissensions, animosities, feuds, famine, inoculation
of diseases, want, until rhe Gentiles see no other way of escape except an appeal
to our money and power."
-The Tenth Protocol
T he Theater has long been a part of the Jewish program for the
guidance of public taste and the influencing of the public mind.
Not only is the theater given a special place in the program of the
Protocols, but it is the instant ally night by night and week by week of
any idea which the "power behind the scenes" wishes to put forth. It is
not by accident that in Russia, where they now have scarcely anything
else, they still have the Theater, specially revived, stimulated and
supported by Jewish-Bolshevists because they believe in the Press: it is
one of the two great means of molding popular opinion.
Not only the "legitimate" stage, so-called, but the motion picture
industry-the fifth greatest of all industries- is also entirely Jew-
controlled; with the natural sequence that the civilized world is
increasingly antagonistic to the trivializing and demoralizing influence of
that form of entertainment as at present managed .
As soon as the Jew gained control of American liquor, we had a
liquor problem with drastic consequences. As soon as the Jew gained
control of the "movies" we had a movie problem, the consequences of
which are visible.
It is the peculiar genius of that race to create problems of a moral