Hot damn!
Hey night crew checkin in! Have to workfag and here so will be inbetween.
One thing that keeps coming up, and what i have been talking about now for a week is the database issue.
Is there a central database where EVERYONE's data is, who all contributes to it? And how do they use it? Facebook has already admitted that they didnt know what happened to the data once they sold it. Nor did they know what it was used for.
We already know that Hussein "built" a database. Get this.. MSM articles are saying 600 million Democrats records were kept. First off.. US has only around 390 million people.. so all other Americans and around the world? What about other countries?
It wasnt just American citizens. Hussein was spying on French president, there was tampering in elections.. fraud on that one by Huessein admin.. Merkel was spyed on in Germany.. big deal was made about that after @snowden came out w his first bag of tricks.
Who has our information, what are they doing w it?? There is someone somewhere who was planningon using the data to go after individuals in all kinds of ways. This REALLY pisses me off.
There was purpose for all the spying. Where is the database and what exactly have they done w our info? Whats it being used for?
Hussein and Hitlery and all the minions worldwide are disgusting inddividuals that deserve what is coming to them.