is not "space" just simply the absence of matter…
the ether?
>physicists disregarded it in the 20s/30s
…much of (((their))) theoretical physics have gone yet unproven or just outright wrong.
I prefer jewseuits, it covers (((them))) all
fantastical speculation brought to you by the circle jerk of (((their))) theoretical physicists, yet to be proven demonstrably true.
the cult of bumping particles and "theoretical" (fuck, it's even in the title) physics long predates the 500 yrs. of Jewsuit college indoctrination in this country.
(((they))) are one in the same anon, don't be fooled.
I have no idols, I hold no bias.
I seek the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
talking shit about a person is not the same as telling the truth about a shitty person.
define my bias if you can.
it's much bigger than some nonexistent tribe of Judah… you think too small.
so ur just talking shit then?
off ya go to start more shit, eh shill?
ur technique and tone are suspect, u shit talking faggot.
muslims are the rabid dog creation of the jewsuits, notice how cathedrals are across from mosques everywhere… why are the muslims able to cohabit with jewsuits ?