Anonymous ID: bf3e85 June 5, 2018, 12:29 a.m. No.1637497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7513


Looks great, nice work! You've made good choices imho. The ordering should be in reverse just, if you don't mind me sayin. No big thing, we usually list them in reverse order, latest at the top. Easy though.


Here's an updated paste, I rearranged the notables to be in proper order.


Here are the notables I have, you can maybe merge them as some are the same as yours.


>>1637384 Clinton Body Count: Clinton Library Builder's CFO Death Amid Audit

>>1637133 , >>1637255 American Water Works

>>1637130 , >>1637255 , >>1637278 The Wicca Man and Moloch

>>1637114 Holder: A ‘Blue Wave’ Is Coming but It Might Not ‘Reach the Shore’

>>1637089 Why was Ben Rhodes denied a security clearance?

>>1637289 , >>1637308 , >>1637331 Strzok / Page Texts dig (cont)

>>1637072 , >>1637076 , >>1637078 , >>1637092 , >>1637263 , >>1637293 Strzok / Page Texts dig

>>1637069 Mylan CEO on Inflating EpiPen Prices

>>1637042 John Cox and George Soros teamed up

>>1636445 , >>1636462 , >>1636488 , >>1636493 , >>1636616 Mexican presidential front-runner, the cabal, POTUS and the wall


Let me know what you think, I can help with anything, otherwise we can confirm handoff.