Beautiful banner baker, thank you โ
Words can have multiple meanings.
Like taint.
Can mean it ain't, or, it isn't, or is not, obladeeoblada
Or it could be what is sniffed in a zoo.
Now this drop makes a ton of a lot more sense to Anon.
The FBI investigation was a smokescreen to hide DEEPER LAYERS of spying by CIA and FVEY (talk about satanic symbolism)
Symbolism, Real physical objects.
Usage of symbolism, production of goods.
The Lee Harris interview Nunes reTruthed resonated with Anon. That sounded like an exceptional mind.
Dialectic evaporates.
Projection of flaws ends.
Compassionate humans being put under a spell of paying attention to 'suffering' signals.
Credible victim narrative may persist for many years if only there was a fake war and fake narratives but real deaths and destruction.
This viewpoint logically presupposes itself. It
"sees" its own logic because it can't see any other when it declares reality of objects are sourced when they're referenced with symbols.
Still a red pill because the blue pill propaganda network is trying to cover it up.
So far that's been your only declared source, explicitly or implicitly, up to now.
The whole BLACK PILL narrative is from blue pill pishers trying to trick theRED PILLpushers into thinking the disease is not coming from the same box of blue pills.
You try again, what are your premises?
Would you feel lost if you thought others had as clear an awareness of how to lie as you do?
>Who's Ben accused of racism.
Sure, but he's also been 'accused' of not being racist.
What USEFUL information can you share about the Rabbi's statements, WELL FUNDED LOTS OF EMPLOYEES TIMES OF ISRAEL?
>Stop projecting
Now you're just projecting your own projection.
You're arguing 'against' your own thoughts.
You're imagining Anons to hold thought patterns exactly matching your image of what you think readers are thinking so you have to 'put them in their place' with 'proofs' that all seem to take the form of what things are not.
Your logic error is thinking that the truth must be the opposite of the worst extreme cognitive impairment.
Useful objects are created by applying thoughts, new ideas, inventions, that drives production of new useful objects from natural resources.
It's not ALL 'tabula rasa' Herr Locke.
Take Leibniz' response to Locke's statement that nothing exists in the mind that is not facilitated by the senses":
"except the mind itself"
There is a LOGIC OF ACTION AND OF MIND that extends from a consistent source code of it all.
Thoughts and Action you say needs 'mapping', well in certain languages the reference variables don't need to be declared, so all the 'name and shame' is easily handed as weaksauce.
Much if what you say may very well resonate true with Anon, but
>Academia worships
You generalize too much.
Another error you're making is hypostatization, attributing to the whole what is true about a part.
Let me guess.
You're early twenties interested in computers who just finished reading Atlas Shrugged.
What makes you think the only explanation for why you think that is because I allegedly disagree with any of it?
Ayn Rand's philosophy is great and all, but because Rand saw police state psychology used as a weapon to turn humans into beasts, the extreme of objectivism was born. To hell with humanity, it's the righteous egos who shall rise to save the rest from failing to SPEAK THE WORDS OF AYN RAND'S RULESET.
Notice how when you visit Ayn Rand website, they only promote people who speak the same mantras?
Objectivism is good only to the extent it isn't socialism.
Much better philosophies than those WITHIN a massive dialectic inversion of the whole idea of information.
NOT ALL INFORMATION is in non human objects.
There is no division in the mind.
You're literally projecting what you're imagining other egos are thinking by playing victim card and smearing Anons as 'can't handle' bring wrong'.
Just because dreams can be inconsistent with CURRENT STATE physical reality, it doesn't mean thoughts and objects are eternally disconnected.
This shill has a pattern that could rhyme with the "Qanon Shaman" actor.
Front running what Anon suspects is going to become a very 'lively' debate on philosophy, first one to smear the figureheads with fake followers who intentionally try to look crazy (cringe) is a rotten egg, hahaha
Anon not worried, they can't refute the message.
>created by whom?
It was a team effort which has been developing for MANY years, giants standing on the shoulders of giants throughout the ages.
So there was no study subject to the rigor of logic, evidence and empiricism in the creation of this meme then.
Makes sense, because LOTS of good science is coming out.
Projection again
They are giants because of their IDEAS, not of the 'names' which is YOUR PROJECTED LOGIC OF 'DIVIDING' INFORMATION BY NAMES.
It's the IDEAS OVER TIME written by intellectual giants that Anon sees as answering 'who created it'.
>there is no good science
Sure there is.
You're relying on "a" science to make a statement about a portion of reality that you're calling science as not good.
That's a science.
How did what Putin is going to say, get to here?
Russia is producing oil, lowering oil prices from what they otherwise would have been.
Biden is cancelling US oil production, which raises prices from what they otherwise would have been.
Biden is broken.