New livestream posted this morning, here is my summary:
New video stream posted:
Teams watching active camps overnight
1 is sure to be active, waiting on reports for the 2nd
Local ranchers are helping the cause, better access to remote areas
Rules of engagement and standard operating procedures change with the needs of the search, is a learning process as they go.
Reiterates open-ness for external volunteers, they are well-established in Tucson.
3 active searches broken up in to 6 hour blocks with 6 hours of rest, may add more searches as they go.
Will be documenting their findings via pictures.
Reiterates they are NOT homeless camps, homeless camps are not this remote, they are very familiar with the homeless camps in Tucson and what they look like.
City of Marana has their back, and are aware of VOP's efforts.
Reiterates they do need more people to cover more area quicker.
Ideally they want to build a FOB (forward operating base) within the I-19 corridor, with the specific purpose of supporting these search efforts, rather than taking up resources from Bravo camp (which is a homeless shelter type thing on 2 acres of property).
He seems to believe the camps are potential Coyote or Cartel camps where people are held for further processing, trafficking concerns.
May show reports of searches done (locations/picutres) as disinformation so as to protect their efforts and people.
Oddly mentioned they are super dysfunctional and they are good at being dysfunctional.
Said they will keep going until "god tells us to stop". Speaks of teams coming from out of state (cali, texas, alabama).
Said they do not operate in the guise of a political agenda, this isn't about race/politics/creed/religion. The cartel shouldn't be doing this stuff to children, the government and media allow it to happen or misreport on it.
Says he has had human trafficking victims come and look at the camps, and said that they know they are not homeless camps.
Rambles on about immigration, coyotes, suffering, bad guys, the "wall", the government..
He says they aren't going to fight the government with guns, but asking volunteers to flood the government with requests/tips/emails/phone calls to keep them distracted from what the group is doing.
Rambles on about how the government helps coyotes and cartels. Thinks they use "sting operations" to keep the coyotes and cartels supplied?
He says they don't follow any regulations, spending their own time and money to go out and do this.
Does a little Q & A about events thus far.