I would suggest letting this play out. I would suggest that there would be a reasonable expectation of results. Just because the Tucson police say something doesn't mean its credible. I would not put it past a department being groomed to oversee these types of crimes for kickbacks or whatever. The fact that the Mayor is a Rothschild makes me even MORE skeptical of the authority in Tucson. Although more evidence is required, I would say that the fact the local residents seem to be getting involved and there does not seem to be much negative responses from them might be a good indicator that the locals may feel there is something wrong. Any true critic should drive to the sites and investigate for themselves before making judgements on an internet message board.
Anyone else notice ppl like @AnOpenSecret and Jack Posobeic rallying hard against the Tucson operation arguing that we should just trust the police and there is no real evidence. I agree that the operation might of been a bit premature to be moved to this level but I definitely agree that there is evidence of something more than a homeless camp going on… cant help but think of Q's warning… Be careful who you follow. I am not saying either of them are compromised but it sure does beg the question.
it may very well be… but until evidence pertaining to the situation arises, a wise person would reserve judgement … at any rate its an interesting journey and something will be learned. I will saw the VIDEO evidence of the rape tree and the underground bunker at least gives enough credence to merit an investigation. And if they are wrong… oh well. This whole experience, in the very least, should be a lesson on patients and faith… if after 3 months they are incapable of providing much evidence then we can probably call this debunked… but even then… who knows if they missed something. I strongly feel this is the lesson Q has been stressing for the last month or two… open your eyes and your mind and make a determination for yourself… think for yourself.
What I do not get however is if this is a set up… then why arent the media playing into it or others with ties to child trafficking… as a means to amplify and discredit the child sex trafficking movement like what has been done with Q?
Why has CEMEX been relatively quiet about all the allegations?
Just curious as to who you believe is considered the "alt-right?"
Also the only media i have seen was from one of the local stations.
So far I have seen more evidence of the possibility than not… I see a lot of people running their mouths… and I feel they are right to question the leader of VOP… but thats nice you are attacking character but I am still waiting on the opinion of the locals that live in Tuscon who have visited the area and what their respective opinions are… I feel that would probably be the best evidence to go by right now instead of a bunch of keyboard warriors repeating something someone else has said.
Personally, I saw give them 3 months to backup their claims and if they can't back up their claims nor support their intrusion into the area… then hold them accountable… but I think ALL SIDES should just let them play this out…. after all… who does it really hurt? Its not going to stop people from investigating these crimes… people are still going to be arrested … and the public will criticize them and move on… so really… I do not understand the hostility.
Furthermore, if the VOP leader and its members are discredited in time… it would only make them lose public trust and the VOP association will most likely fade away…
Seems like a win-win for everybody given almost any scenario. In the end, it will all be revealed… or as Q likes to put it… Dark to Light
i wonder what the time frame for the death was and what may of been the cause.