>>>16375459 It's going to be a hot summer?
The season of SUMMER is traditionally very HOT.
We have more than we know.
>>>16375459 It's going to be a hot summer?
The season of SUMMER is traditionally very HOT.
We have more than we know.
>>>16375618 Durham is the decoy, settings traps to create evidence?
How do you introduce evidence?
How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?
Biggest drop on Pol.
Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.
Q #17
>I have seen this vid so many times, but always assumed the narrative that she was having some type of health issue in addition to being dehydrated.
>But clearly you can see that her hands are handcuffed behind her back.
>She is collapsing out of shock, because she didn't want to go…she knew what was going to happen once she was taken away in that
maybe the anon who theorized that the Traitors have already been convicted and executed and the been replaced by Deep Fake/clone/hologram technologies utilized by the White Hats ( normies need to be shown before the Truth can be told) was right …
what if I told you that HRC indeed was arrested 12:01 30.11.2017 like Q said in his first drop