If your family traces back to the beginning of European migration to the South and your family is still here, it is certain you have African ancestors.
It's American. That's why it's called "African - American" And there are no "black" or "white" people. People are not a color.
African - Americans [and that includes people who are named "white" such as the descendants of Thomas Jefferson by his mulatto wife] built this country .
So-called "black" people deserve the fruit of that work here and should no be displaced by present day immigrants; who arrived here last week - after the country was built
The immigration policy of Soros , Obama and HRC are a tactic to destroy the American historical identity. Their claims are virtue signals while they suck our blood.
"Hussain" was not "African - American" Many immigrants who came last week claim the privileged of being "Black" although from privileged background in their home country. Think "Awan".
And it's another slap in the face that the first "Black" President was not American. Very disgusting and tragic. I feel it, anons.