To check whether you break this law they have to know what exactly you are doing inside of your house, thats the key to me
Meter monitors overall consumption but not what exactly happens. What if i take a bath not shower
Xactly, technicality is not possible. Even if rations, they need to know the number of people in each household. They have to take in consideration kids coming from college on vacation. They need to know whether you have a dishwasher vs manual washing and etc its impossible, only direct monitoring. Are they going to monitor people in the shower?????
Many many breadsago i said the same thing anons were sayn we figured out the map, it was never decoded. We never understood overall ligic, same with clock.sure makes anons angry but blackhats are also here.
We dont need to be divided on clock issue. The most reasonable approach is for clockfags to make a couple of predictions, if those predictions turn true, then we accept the idea and will use it gladly. Amen
If shit breaks loose it would not matter, since all was already done ( sealed indictements) and cant be stopped